In 2019, as part of our vision to become a praying family, Citylight Manayunk will be praying God’s word together. Each week, we will send out a different passage of Scripture, along with specific instructions for how you can pray through it, either by yourself, or with your family, discipleship group, or Citygroup. The level of engagement is up to you: pray the passage once, every day, or as much as you want! Getting involved is easy: just sign up below, and you’ll get one email per week (on Mondays) with that week’s Scripture, and some suggestions how to pray through it. Also, you can start at any time throughout the year!

Our prayers should arise out of immersion in the Scripture. . . the wedding of the Bible and prayer anchors your life down in the real God.

― Tim Keller


Every week, we will send you content that’ll help you pray God’s Word. Sign up for that below.