The church is ultimately its members, but the Bible teaches that churches are to be led by a plurality of men who meet the qualifications listed in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9. In the Bible these men are called elders, pastors, or overseers (sometimes translated bishops).

Mike Anderson
Preaching Pastor/Elder

Mark McNutt
We also see in the Bible a group of leaders called deacons, who serve under the oversight of the elders to lead the church in doing the things the church ought to do, but the elders should not do, lest they be diverted from their primary work of prayer and teaching the Bible.

Shannon Capps
Deacon of Citygroups

Gareth Weakly
Deacon of Benevolence & Pastoral Assistant
Other Positions

Allie Chaves
Church Treasurer

Kelly Huang
Church Secretary