Learn God's Word.
Follow Jesus.
Change the World.
Introducing the …
Teaching covenant members of Citylight Manayunk to observe all that Jesus commanded for the purpose of reaching our city, nation, and world with the gospel.
What is the Citylight Institute?
Through classes in Bible, theology, and Christian living, the Citylight Institute will equip believers to be fully-formed disciples of Christ who know their God (Daniel 11:32), the times they live in (1 Chronicles 12:32), and how to connect what they believe to all of life.
Classes will be held on Sunday mornings at Citylight Manayunk during our services.
Upcoming Courses

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.
Matthew 28:19-20
Common questions
What are the requirements to be part of these classes?
Classes are open to covenant members of Citylight Manayunk. You must commit to attend all the classes and complete out-of-class assignments (approximately 30 mins – 1 hour per week). Also, attendees are expected to attend corporate worship on the days that classes are held. Classes are not a substitute for corporate worship.
Where and when will the classes be held?
While eventually Citylight Institute classes may be held in a variety of contexts, most classes will be held on Sunday mornings at Mishkan during one of the worship services.
Who will be teaching the classes?
Classes will be taught by Citylight elders as well as other capable and called individuals.
Will the classes be available online?
Since the best learning environment is an active, in-class learning environment, course lectures will be held in-person. At a later point we may introduce other course options.