Christmas changes everything.

Christmas reveals our hope and shows God’s great love for the world (John 3:16). At Christmas, as the Bible explains to us, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was born of a virgin. Jesus lived on the earth for performing miracles and proclaiming repentance before fulfilling the ultimate purpose that God the Father had given Him: dying for our sins. Then three days later, Jesus rose from the grave, leaving the tomb empty and conquering sin and death so that all who believe in Him would have eternal life. Christmas, the coming of Christ, proclaims God’s great love for His people.
This Advent season we’d like to send you a journal to help you experience more of Jesus. Each day you will find a passage of Scripture with three simple prompts to guide your thoughts as you read. These daily readings will prepare our hearts throughout the week for the passages that will be preached on Sunday mornings. Sign up below to receive your advent devotional.