

Genesis is the foundational book in the whole of the canon. Without at least a cursory understanding of Genesis nothing in the Bible or the biblical worldview is coherent. In Genesis, God created humanity out of the dust in his own image to be like him and to represent him. We see the framework that holds the entire Bible together: covenants. God cuts covenant with his people and the whole rest of the Bible is about his people’s faithlessness and his faithfulness. Finally, Genesis provides the origin of the messianic hope that runs through the storyline of Scripture and finds ultimate fulfillment in Revelation 21-22.


Genesis 22

Word Biblical Commentary Vol. 2, Genesis 16-50, Gordon Wenham

Genesis: Tyndale Old Testament CommentariesDerek Kidner

Counterfeit GodsTimothy Keller (Chapter 1)


Note: Due to power outage, the sermon recording does not include the first 10 minutes of the service

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